We are located North West of the city of Ipswich in Queensland Australia
We are close by to the famous Fernvale Bakery, Wivenhoe Dam & Willowbank Raceway.
Clarendon is a suburb amongst many rural properties and farms, with picturesque landscape that is dawned with surreal sunsets, native wildlife and farm animals by the hundreds.
Clarendon takes it's name from Lake Clarendon, located approx. 20km's south-west adding another beautiful place to visit.

We are very fortunate with many different options in and out of Clarendon.
You can head to Fernvale down the Brisbane Valley Highway, making your way to Lowood and head down Reinbotts Road.
Alternatively, you can head North on the Warrego Highway, turning right at Minden, travel through Tarampa and arrive at Clarendon.
If you get lost, feel free to give us a call and we'll help you on your way.

By Trail
The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail holds the current title of the Longest Trail in Australia, spanning 161km's long.
How lucky are we to call this Rail Trail our back yard?
The trail runs directly along our fence line, which means there is direct access from the Rail Trail to the cottage and all it has to offer.

93 Clarendon Station Road, Clarendon
Queensland Australia 4311
clarendoncottage2023@outlook.com | Tel: 0435 344 191